About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pregnancy - How To Avoid Gaining Weight And Lose Extra Pounds After Labor

By: Vladimir Skirga

Very often people around us spoil our perception of reality, saying that now we must eat for two people, allow ourselves everything we want, etc.

Of course, there is always a lot of sympathizers, who remember themselves, friends, girl-friends, who gained during pregnancy 40, 50 and even 60 pounds - "and nothing terrible happened". But what is in reality? Difficult labor? The whole body is in terrible stretch marks, which are almost impossible to get rid of? Shapeless masses instead of the previous shape? Who enjoys it?

It is natural that during pregnancy a woman is hungry more than ever. Hormones influence the body heavily. In addition, the physical activity reduces. And you begin to grow, like at yeasts... How to keep within the recommended 20-26 pounds of gained weight?

First of all, limit your eating of fat, sweet, baked food. Believe me, an extra bun will benefit neither you nor your future baby. Eat a complete protein food. Meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products are in the basis of a healthy diet. Do not manage to keep the weight normal? Try to keep fasting days. Once a week diet only with kefir, nonfat cottage cheese or fresh fruit. Refuse hearty dinners. The last meal is to be at least 4-5 hours before a bedtime. In addition, it helps to cope with insomnia in the past months of pregnancy.

We should talk separately about the liquids. It is useful in the first trimester, but can cause harm to a mother and a child in the last months of pregnancy if taken excessively. You gain a few pounds a week? A wedding ring squeezes your finger? Favorite peep-toes became small? Congratulations, you have a fluid retention in the body. Now you are to move the bulk of liquids in the first half of the day. Add a cranberry or a red bilberry juice, a cranberry leaf decoction, which are soft diuretics and not only help to egest excess fluid, but also compensate a vitamin C deficiency.

The full-fledged sleep also helps to suppress overeating. Very often we are trying to stifle fatigue from lack of sleep with favorite sweets...

You followed all recommendations, but the figure after labor is still far from being perfect? Go in for a physical activity. Walking is a great way to saturate blood with oxygen and lose extra pounds during and after pregnancy. In the hospital you can make such useful exercises as "running a bicycle" or lifting the feet in a lying position. They will not only make your belly flatter, but will promote the faster uterus involution.

As well helping in the battle against a baggy belly is a postpartum bandage. You can put it on in a delivery room already. Get a hula hoop, a jump rope and some simple school exercises will assist you to get the previous figure back in a couple of months after delivery. Dancing is an excellent helper in returning shape. Exercises with your favorite music not only improve mothers' mood, but do not let their babies stay indifferent towards it.

Concerning post-natal diet I can say, that if you prefer breast-feeding, the fasting days are unacceptable, but this not equal to eating for two people at once. It is enough to increase the number of consumed calories only for 1000, so that the baby will receive enough nutrients.

Take care of yourself and be healthy.

About the Author

I have been writing articles for more than two years. But accept the articles about right lifestyle, correct food and fitness I also keen on other topics. My last work is business card reader. You can find plenty of useful information about targus card reader on this site.

(ArticlesBase SC #1896295)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Pregnancy - How To Avoid Gaining Weight And Lose Extra Pounds After Labor

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I found this article and thought that it might help people to feel good about themselves after they have lost some weight. Losing weight, especially a lot, can cause some wrinkles to appear. Have a read and try some of his tips.

Simple Tips For Beautiful Skin

By: Robert Esmund

Having beautiful skin is a tremendous asset for a woman. A flawless complexion raises a woman above that of a mere mortal to something approaching a celebrity. If you have a fabulous complexion you will look like a star, and people will notice you.

How do you get a fabulous complexion? Much can be achieved with make-up but there is no substitute for the natural glow of a healthy complexion that’s nourished from within. Slapping on face cream may help a bit but skin needs to be supported from beneath by an adequate collagen substructure to keep it taught, smooth and supple. We all have that collagen when young but alas, it tends to get depleted and needs constant replenishment, and this is where nutrition and environmental factors are important. You need to nourish your skin from within, and protect it from the environment outside.

If you want to look like a celebrity, then take care of your skin by following these do’s and don’ts :


  • Eat a healthy diet, including lots of fruit and vegetables, in order to get adequate amounts of important vitamins like A, B, C, and E, plus minerals. These micro-nutrients are essential for rebuilding collagen and helping to fight off harmful free radicals. Also, the fibre in fruit and vegetables helps your digestion to obtain maximum benefit from food.

Eat plenty of green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and fruits such as berries of all sorts, grapes, apples, and oranges. Tomatoes too, are a source of lycopene, good for general health and skin.

Essential fatty acids are so called because your body needs them and can’t manufacture them. In the skin they help retain moisture, and also have anti-inflammatory properties which are useful against infection and sunburn. These fatty acids, like omega-3’s can be obtained from oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, and also from many nuts and seeds like walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

  • Drink water every day to keep skin hydrated. Moisturising creams help trap moisture in the skin but you need a good supply of water from within, so drink up to eight glasses of water a day. Your skin will look fresher, plumper, and less wrinkled if it is well hydrated.

  • Get enough exercise and sleep, since both these factors are important for general health, and a lack of either shows up first in the skin. Exercise promotes good circulation and blood supply to the skin, while sleep is important to allow the body to repair and renew itself. You have noticed probably how lack of sleep can lead to sloppy or baggy skin under the eyes or darkness of the skin.


  • Get too much sun on your skin as it breaks down collagen and causes premature wrinkles. It also causes brown spots on face and hands over time, and these skin marking are almost impossible to remove. It is now known that sunlight is one the main ageing factors in the environment. Too much exposure to the sun, especially when young, is correlated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Make do with a fake tan and stay out of the sun as much as possible. You should always wear some sun protection cream when out and about. Fortunately most types of make-up incorporate some degree of sun protection although it may not be much.

  • Don’t smoke, since, apart from the harm the smoke does to your lungs, it irritates the skin around the mouth, leading to the development of wrinkle and fissures eventually. Like sunlight, it destroys collagen, and there is rarely enough regeneration to adequately support the skin.

Your skin has to last you a life-time so is worth taking care of. It not only protects you from hostile environmental irritants and aggressors, but is also a very important part of your appearance. If your skin looks good, then you look good. Right?

About the Author

The author, Robert Esmund, is a retired health professional who researches and writes on nutrition, health, and beauty. For more information on skin care and how to look your best visit


(ArticlesBase SC #1865346)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Simple Tips For Beautiful Skin

Friday, February 12, 2010


I have not always been a herbal tea drinker. When I started high school, I would always come home looking for a coffee with 2 sugars every day.
Because I have been over weight ever since I had my daughter, I have tried every diet possible and in most diets they would advise you to cut back on caffeine, so I gradually weaned myself off the sugar, then came the coffee.
Now if you want to get off the sugar fix the best way that I found was to buy artificial tablets and gradually break them up into small pieces. Work your way down to just a grain and eventually you will not be able to stand the taste of sugar. TRY IT, it works.
Milk eventually was fazed out, I’m not sure how this happened, I just didn’t like the taste in tea anymore. I still have my latte’s but they are always decaf.
I know have green tea at least 4 or 5 times a day and I feel that I have benefited from it, so I thought about doing some research on the benefits of some herbal teas.

GREEN TEA: New research has shown that this is classed as a “miracle food”. It fights so many diseases at once, the healing power is incredible.
It has a positive effect on many organ systems in the body and stops the development of certain diseases. Has a high concentration of minerals and antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process and help the body.
It protects against cancer, has been shown through research that it lowers the occurrence of all types of cancers. Some animal studies have shown that applying it to the skin protects against cancerous changes and slow the progression of skin cancer.
  Green tea is very high in vitamin C and is also known to decrease blood cholesterol levels. It bind s itself with cholesterol and slows down the absorption of fat as it goes through the digestive system.
Helps prevent stomach, colon, rectal, liver, pancreatic, bladder, breast and lung cancers. Also thought to help with white blood cells during chemotherapy treatments.
Blood clotting is another plus for green tea. It thins the blood by relaxing blood vessels and decreases the results of fatal heart diseases and strokes.
Most important for me is it can help weightloss. It contains only 4 calories per serving and the polyphenols aid in the digestion of fats. (Polyphenols act as antioxidants).


PEPPERMINT: Mildly stimulating. Sweetens the breath, helps congestion and stuffiness when you have a cold. Also great for the digestive system, can also be rubbed on the back of the neck for relief with a headache. Not recommended for children under the age of four. Great for foot massages.

CHAMOMILE: Used to soothe and prepare the body for restful sleep. Helps with the nervous system and relieves menstrual cramps. May be good for the kidneys, may help with bladder troubles. Can be used for children to help with colic and sleeping.
Use as an infusion for your bath.

There are so many more herbal teas that can be used and they all have great benefits. Look into adding it into your diet and you will feel so much better for it.
Using tea bags instead of teabags will give you more antioxidants and minerals, brew for up to 20 minutes, this gives it time to release all the antioxidants. Why not replace one coffee a day at first with herbal tea. Just give it a go, what’s the worst that can happen.