About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Herbs For Weight Loss

cinnamon craze!
Originally uploaded by bitzi☂
We all need a little help when it comes to losing weight
and eating herbs or spices just maybe the next big thing.

Some herbs can be stimulants which will encourage the body to burn those excess calories that we consume each day.
They can also be a Diuretic, these help the body to excrete water through urination.
Appetite suppressants which can help to reduce hunger by filling the stomach, changing ones mood or satisfying a taste or craving.

Here's a list of some herbs for weight loss:-

Alfalfa helps with water retention, high in protein, calcium and other minerals.
Cinnamon reduces cholesterol
Cayenne raises your metabolic rate, high in vitamin A, C, E and manganese,
Nettle tea is used to curb appetite and cravings, flax seed expands when digested
Parsley is a diuretic and can reduce hunger feelings,
Red pepper raises the metabolic rate which will help to burn calories, have a teaspoon of a hot spice with your meal.
(Have a read up on all these herbs before trying any).
These are just a few herbs that will help get rid of those unwanted kilos.

Fantastic, just what I need, something that doesn't take a lot of hard work.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas To Fellow Weight Watchers

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas and happiness to all. (Don't let the date fool you, its actually the 25th of December here in Australia).

It's here again, the silly season. But it is so much fun.

Now I know that it is the worst time of year to be trying to lose those extra pounds especially on christmas day.
So I have just decided to eat everything that is out there but in small doses.
One day won't hurt, (I hope). I reckon if I drink plenty of water and eat in moderation and get straight back on the diet tomorrow everything should be okay.
I may need to walk an extra night or two this week and perhaps make it longer but I'm willing to do it just so I can have my xmas pudding with custard and maybe some cream.

I can imagine it now, the beautiful aroma of roasted pork and ham, my favourite. Mince pies, I remember that my dear old nan use to make these all the time, so delicious. Shortbread biscuits that just melt in your mouth.

It's going to be very hot 35 degrees, so the pool is going to get used overtime.

Anyway enough about me, I would like to wish all my fellow dieters all the best for christmas, be safe and remember, we only get one life so enjoy it as much as you can.

Forget the diet for one day.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I have finally started, my walk-a-thon.
Well, it's not really, but for me it feels like it.

I have been walking now for nearly two weeks probably 4 times a week for about an half hour.
It's been tough because we have had so much rain, last night we had 76ml in about two hours so every where I walk there is lots of mud but I try and plough on.

I have not lost much weight, 1kg, but I feel better in myself. I seem to feel healthier and have a little bit more energy.
I'm hoping the weight will eventually start to come down, I noticed that my portion sizes have crept up so major task now is to get them down, stick to a small plate and drink lots of my water, which I have been doing.

Now the biggest hurdle of all is Christmas. Doesn't time fly, it only feels like yesterday when the family were all together having lunch.
(willpower, don't leave me now)

Happy times to you all.