It's like a spell has been placed on you and when the Saturday arrives something inside tells you "It's fine, one won't hurt."
That's it. One what, of course I'm talking about one chocolate bar, one packet of chips, one cupcake, one biscuit and one take away meal (maybe two). One of anything that is fattening. Will Power suddenly vanishes out the window and you are struggling to keep on top of your weight.
What is it about weekends, its like an alarm goes off and gives you the green light to go for it.
Once the weekend is over you say to yourself "that's it, no more rubbish, back on the diet." So all week you are really good, keeping your portion sizes down and eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and sticking to your diet.
By the end of the week your back to feeling good about yourself again, but here comes that dreaded weekend again, so the battle starts again.
I find it so hard because I work on weekends in a cafe that has a lot of confectionery ie: chocolate coated peanuts, bullets, gummie bears, packets of chips, mint leaves, yoghurt covered fruits, chocolate bars and yummy homebaked biscuits.
When it's not busy is the hardest time of all, I get bored and constantly think about the food. I'm fine until I've had lunch and then the sweet craving sets in.
I fight with my inner self, saying "You don't need it. YOU DON'T NEED IT." But it always seems to win and ohh, how depressed I feel when I have eaten that delicious piece of chocolate or yo yo biscuit.
How to break this dreaded curse?
It would be so much better if we didn't have weekends!!! (only kidding)