A place to find some helpful tips on weight loss. I think I have tried every weight loss tip out there, some work, some don't. Although I thing all work in some way, just some are better than others. This blog is about tips I have found that may help keep the weight off.
About Me
- Sue's blog
- Australia
- I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bris Vagas Here I Come!
So wish me luck with the diet, I'm going to need it.
Lunching out every day and socialising, it's going to be a challenge but I think I'm up for it.
Bring on the shopping malls. (little black dress for wedding, maybe?)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fighting The Mind When It Comes To Weight Loss.
I totally blow it again and am finding it to be getting harder to convince myself that I don't need that bad food.
I fight with my head every minute of every day. When I'm shopping, at the register there is chocolate everywhere. How can I fight the urge to not grab one, I find myself telling a lie to the checkout girl, "For the kids," placing a snickers on the counter.
What kids, my daughter is no longer at home.
I get in the car and eat it on the way home. Come on, tell the truth, I bet there is a lot of you who have done that, I'm sure that I"m not alone with this.
Now, I really do not have any excuse for not exercising. My back has been pretty good lately. I've been doing a little bit of walking, but not enough.
It's just too cold. I wish winter would hurry up and go. It's only three months of the year but it feels like six months.
Two weeks until SPRING, "hip hip hurray."
Maybe this old bear will come out of hybernation. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).
Perhaps with more sunshine it will make it easier to say "No" to bad foods and say "Yes" to healthy.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Look Inwards, be Self Aware When Seeking Quick Weight Loss
By: Antonio LeMaire
Everybody wants a quick weight loss miracle. We don't want to wait for good things to happen in our lives in our modern,instant gratification society. The problem is, in our rush towards quick weight loss,we often forget about self awareness.
Self-awareness can actually decrease the amount we eat and improve our food choices without a big struggle. After all,it's not about achieving quick weight loss only to gain it all back in a few weeks or month. It's about changing your habits and your ways of thinking... for good.
Three Things that Prevent Quick Weight Loss:
1. Advertising: Companies spend millions trying to get us to eat their products... and it often works.
2. Peer pressure: People don't like to eat alone. We often eat when we are not hungry just because someone else is eating.Quick weight loss never results when we succumb to peer pressure.
3. Availability: If you are at work and the only food is in a vending machine, wise choices are very limited. Similarly, if your kitchen is full of junk food, eating that way becomes automatic.
Bottom line: To resist all that temptation, you need to be very aware of the reasons why you're eating. When around food, be totally self aware. Ask yourself:
1. Am I really hungry or is it just boredom?
2. Is it the pleasure of eating that I really want?
3. Am I under stress and seeking comfort?
4. Do I have a craving that I want to feed?
With self awareness and attention to what your body and mind are really telling you, you can prevent yourself from eating for the wrong reasons.And that is one step closer to achieving quick weight loss the sensible way.
Self Talk Your Way to Quick Weight Loss
When considering food and how it contributes to slow or quick weight loss, listen to your self talk. Self talk is that little voice in your head that sends you messages about how you look and how you feel.
It can tell you to feel guilty about eating that bag of chips.Or it can tell you you have the willpower to stop eating the chips. It can tell you that you are capable of healthy, quick weight loss, or it can tell you that your fat is here to stay.
Training yourself to use positive self-talk will greatly help your efforts to regain your natural body shape and reach your weight loss goal. And remember, quick weight loss doesn't have to be the only goal. By setting realistic objectives and by using positive self talk,you can transform your little voice into a cheerleader that will be on your team for a lifetime of healthy weight management.
How to change your self talk:
1. Write down the negative statements and change them into positive ones. For example, if your self talk says, "I hate my body," change that to, "I love my body."
2. Make sure the wording of your statements is positive. For example, writing "I choose healthy foods for my body," is much more effective than "I don't eat junk food".
3. Try to write at least 15-20 positive affirmations.
4. Read your affirmations to yourself in the mirror once when you get up and once before you go to bed.
Projecting The Image
Wearing clothing that looks good on you can move you towards gradual or even quick weight loss success. Don't believe it? Think about how confident you feel when you wear a color or a style that truly flatters your shape. Now think about how uncomfortable and constricted you feel wearing those jeans that used to fit you - two sizes ago. Think about how shapeless and frumpy you feel in your "fat" clothes.
You may be saying, "Sure, but baggy clothes hide my fat, while fitted clothes just show all the lumps."
True. But that isn't the case with fitted clothing that's sized just right for you, not too small or too big. Try an experiment. Put on your baggy comfort clothes and look at yourself in the mirror. How do you look? How do you feel? What impression do you think you make on people?
Now put on an outfit that fits you properly. And ask the same questions. Chances are you'll look and feel better this way, and will make a better impression on others.
Business people traditionally "dress for success", and so can you: Dress for the success of your weight loss plan. Dress like someone who is confident and comfortable and who isn't afraid to be seen. Because quick weight loss is only part of the goal. Your crowning achievement will be accepting, respecting and showing off your body.
About the Author
Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising.
Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: Online Pharmacy - http://www.edrugstore.md/
(ArticlesBase SC #263593)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Look Inwards, be Self Aware When Seeking Quick Weight Loss