About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

BLack Dress a No Go

Back on board.
Hi, yes I'm back. The holiday went way too fast, I need another one already. (I wish).
My daughter looks great, we had the best time. Spent a lot of time shopping and eating out, lattes and iced coffees along with cheesecakes and biscuits almost everyday.
Diet went straight out the window. I couldn't even begin to tell you how much I really tried to say NO to all those delicious things.
I told myself "NO NO NO" over and over again but didn't work I'm afraid.

I tried on so many little black dresses, I don't thing they make them for size 14 women. I finally came to the conclusion that the black dress is not for me. You need to be a size 10 and 6 foot tall to make it look great, sorry that's not me at all, never has been and probably will never be a size 10 (praying, maybe one day, Joke huh, huh)

So back to my bad eating habits while on holidays, I have to tell you after eating all that rubbish, I only put on a kilo. Don't ask me how I kept it off, perhaps it was all the walking while I was shopping and the water I was trying to drink all the time.

Now about that dress, I have started to search the net for one. Bit scared because you can't try it on, but I don't plan on spending a fortune.
It's not going to be easy, so many to choose from.
Wish me luck.