Christmas is just around the corner,44 days to be exact. How many of us dread all those xmas parties and get togethers? I know I do, only because of all the lovely food that is put before me.
The temptation is so great, cheesecakes, dips and biscuits, chips(my undoing), chocolate, lots of finger foods, ohh yer don't forget the alcohol and heaps of other delicious things.
I end up going home feeling like a bloated whale or even worse a large walrus that has trouble moving about.
There are many things that we can do to fight the bloat.
1/ When at a party take your time when selecting your food, don't just pile it on your plate without thinking about it first.
"Do you really need that extra spoonful of potato salad or that extra slice of mud cake with cream?
2/ Drink plenty of water. If you like your alcohol, have 1 glass to every two of water. Your head will be thanking you in the morning.
3/ Go for the healthier options, like celery, carrot and salsa dip. Take your own nibbles to be safe.
4/ Some exercises that can help are swimming and squats. Just moving will move that gas quicker. A 10 minute brisk walk will do wonders.
5/Some foods to eat are High fibre flat breads or just a high fibre diet, about 25g a day is recommended.
Avocado is high in potassium which reduces water retention and so are bananas.
Melons are full of water and are great in tricking the body and getting it to release stored fluids.
6/ Don't over do the size of your meals containing carbohydrates and fats, have very small amounts of these throughout the day and take small bites and slowly chew your food. Big mouth fulls can cause excess air to enter the mouth when eating.
7/ Limit your intake of gas producing foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, beans, and carbonated drinks (soft drink)
8/ Watch your salt intake. Salt can retain water.
Bloating is common amongst us women and can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing but try some of these tips, they may just help.
weight loss
The temptation is so great, cheesecakes, dips and biscuits, chips(my undoing), chocolate, lots of finger foods, ohh yer don't forget the alcohol and heaps of other delicious things.
I end up going home feeling like a bloated whale or even worse a large walrus that has trouble moving about.
There are many things that we can do to fight the bloat.
1/ When at a party take your time when selecting your food, don't just pile it on your plate without thinking about it first.
"Do you really need that extra spoonful of potato salad or that extra slice of mud cake with cream?
2/ Drink plenty of water. If you like your alcohol, have 1 glass to every two of water. Your head will be thanking you in the morning.
3/ Go for the healthier options, like celery, carrot and salsa dip. Take your own nibbles to be safe.
4/ Some exercises that can help are swimming and squats. Just moving will move that gas quicker. A 10 minute brisk walk will do wonders.
5/Some foods to eat are High fibre flat breads or just a high fibre diet, about 25g a day is recommended.
Avocado is high in potassium which reduces water retention and so are bananas.
Melons are full of water and are great in tricking the body and getting it to release stored fluids.
6/ Don't over do the size of your meals containing carbohydrates and fats, have very small amounts of these throughout the day and take small bites and slowly chew your food. Big mouth fulls can cause excess air to enter the mouth when eating.
7/ Limit your intake of gas producing foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, beans, and carbonated drinks (soft drink)
8/ Watch your salt intake. Salt can retain water.
Bloating is common amongst us women and can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing but try some of these tips, they may just help.
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