We all need a little help when it comes to losing weight
and eating herbs or spices just maybe the next big thing.
Some herbs can be stimulants which will encourage the body to burn those excess calories that we consume each day.
They can also be a Diuretic, these help the body to excrete water through urination.
Appetite suppressants which can help to reduce hunger by filling the stomach, changing ones mood or satisfying a taste or craving.
Here's a list of some herbs for weight loss:-
Alfalfa helps with water retention, high in protein, calcium and other minerals.
Cinnamon reduces cholesterol
Cayenne raises your metabolic rate, high in vitamin A, C, E and manganese,
Nettle tea is used to curb appetite and cravings, flax seed expands when digested
Parsley is a diuretic and can reduce hunger feelings,
Red pepper raises the metabolic rate which will help to burn calories, have a teaspoon of a hot spice with your meal.
(Have a read up on all these herbs before trying any).
These are just a few herbs that will help get rid of those unwanted kilos.
Fantastic, just what I need, something that doesn't take a lot of hard work.
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