Hey everyone, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter. The only time of year that it feels alright to eat chocolate and boy, am I going to eat it - a lot.
At the moment I am not going to think about my weight issues, I will worry about that again on Easter Monday. Back in fighting, yer same old routine day in day out, constantly battling the bulge.
But as of now I am totally only thinking about one thing and that is chocolate, my favourite food of all time, along with cheesecake.
The best chocolate is Lindt and Cadburys, the cheaper brands just don't cut it when it comes to smoothness, you now the type, when you can place a small piece in your mouth and just let it melt, don't chew it just let it dissolve on its own. Cheaper brands tend to have a funny taste about them, perhaps its just me, I like quality when it comes to chocolate.
We all know that dark chocolate is better for us. Above 70% cocoa is recommended. I'll try and have some (lol).