About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can Being Deprived of Snacks Cause Binge Eating Disorder?

Eating healthy snacks is much better than being deprived of snacking for everyone. Believe it or not, it is also a good idea to allow children and teens to eat "not so healthy" snacks from time to time.

When people are deprived from snacks against their will, kids and teens for instance, when their parents aren't looking they will gorge on unhealthy foods. If they don't learn to eat healthy when they are young, think about what their eating patterns will be like once they leave the home.

At one time, one of my kids had a friend over to spend the night. When we awoke, I found that a 12-pack of soda was missing along with a two pound package of candy. Later in the day, I found empty cans and wrappers hidden under a bed and behind the couch. I thought that was odd and then I learned that his parents denied him of sweets altogether.

Is this a cause of binge eating?

According to experts, binge eating disorder can be caused by three things:

  1. Biological causes such as the brain not sending clear messages about fullness and hunger
  2. Psychological causes like depression or impulse control factors
  3. Experiences that cause shame about eating such as the way food is presented to or withheld from a child during their upbringing, social pressure such as being made fun of about weight and body image, and sexual abuse

Binge eating disorder is the most common form of eating disorders. Rather than depriving your kids of snacks or using them as rewards, it is a much better idea to offer healthy kiddie snacks and healthy snacks as part of a teenage diet as well as letting them have some junk food from time to time.

As adults, we also should snack regularly to prevent binge eating. Most diets that actually work encourage eating frequently throughout the day. This gives you a full feeling which does help to prevent compulsive overeating.

Lynn Chavarria is a Registered Nurse and the co-owner of
Best Healthy Snacks. You will find more information about kiddie snacks and teenage diets on her website.

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