If you have ever had a bad back you will understand what I'm going through.
I decided that I needed a massage, lucky you I hear you say, but uh, uh.
This was not a relaxation massage, it was remedial, a litte bit different.
I have not gone through so much pain since I had my daughter, well, perhaps a slight exaggeration. But the pain was excruciating. I felt every single muscle being manipulated. Kneaded back into position.
I could hardly walk to the car let alone drive home.
The only good thing that has come out of this is that I get out of cooking dinner for a few days. "Yahoo."
I suppose it serves me right for not keeping up with the massages regularly.
So this brings me to this question.
Does having a regular massage help with weight loss?
I have done a little research on this and it
appears that it is really good at removing cellulite. By regularly massaging areas where cellulite appears reduces the appearance.
Helping to move the fat around will decrease the dimpling affect and make skin appear more smoother.
Apparently having a massage can help with weight loss because it improves circulation and supply of nutrients to the muscles.
Increased blood flow helps muscles grow and therefore they will burn more calories and thats what we want, right.
Now I have given you an excuse to have a massage. It may hurt on the first go but after a few sessions you will feel fantastic.
Think of all that weight that may come off also, with extra help of course.
Exercise and Diet!
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