A place to find some helpful tips on weight loss. I think I have tried every weight loss tip out there, some work, some don't. Although I thing all work in some way, just some are better than others. This blog is about tips I have found that may help keep the weight off.
About Me
- Sue's blog
- Australia
- I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Herbs For Weight Loss
and eating herbs or spices just maybe the next big thing.
Some herbs can be stimulants which will encourage the body to burn those excess calories that we consume each day.
They can also be a Diuretic, these help the body to excrete water through urination.
Appetite suppressants which can help to reduce hunger by filling the stomach, changing ones mood or satisfying a taste or craving.
Here's a list of some herbs for weight loss:-
Alfalfa helps with water retention, high in protein, calcium and other minerals.
Cinnamon reduces cholesterol
Cayenne raises your metabolic rate, high in vitamin A, C, E and manganese,
Nettle tea is used to curb appetite and cravings, flax seed expands when digested
Parsley is a diuretic and can reduce hunger feelings,
Red pepper raises the metabolic rate which will help to burn calories, have a teaspoon of a hot spice with your meal.
(Have a read up on all these herbs before trying any).
These are just a few herbs that will help get rid of those unwanted kilos.
Fantastic, just what I need, something that doesn't take a lot of hard work.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas To Fellow Weight Watchers
It's here again, the silly season. But it is so much fun.
Now I know that it is the worst time of year to be trying to lose those extra pounds especially on christmas day.
So I have just decided to eat everything that is out there but in small doses.
One day won't hurt, (I hope). I reckon if I drink plenty of water and eat in moderation and get straight back on the diet tomorrow everything should be okay.
I may need to walk an extra night or two this week and perhaps make it longer but I'm willing to do it just so I can have my xmas pudding with custard and maybe some cream.
I can imagine it now, the beautiful aroma of roasted pork and ham, my favourite. Mince pies, I remember that my dear old nan use to make these all the time, so delicious. Shortbread biscuits that just melt in your mouth.
It's going to be very hot 35 degrees, so the pool is going to get used overtime.
Anyway enough about me, I would like to wish all my fellow dieters all the best for christmas, be safe and remember, we only get one life so enjoy it as much as you can.
Forget the diet for one day.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Well, it's not really, but for me it feels like it.
I have been walking now for nearly two weeks probably 4 times a week for about an half hour.
It's been tough because we have had so much rain, last night we had 76ml in about two hours so every where I walk there is lots of mud but I try and plough on.
I have not lost much weight, 1kg, but I feel better in myself. I seem to feel healthier and have a little bit more energy.
I'm hoping the weight will eventually start to come down, I noticed that my portion sizes have crept up so major task now is to get them down, stick to a small plate and drink lots of my water, which I have been doing.
Now the biggest hurdle of all is Christmas. Doesn't time fly, it only feels like yesterday when the family were all together having lunch.
(willpower, don't leave me now)
Happy times to you all.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Walking To Burn Fat
Fat, another disgusting word in our vocabulary.
Burning fat is not easy and getting rid of it is very hard. With all our trying it refuses to budge.
But I think that we may have been doing it wrong.
I have been reading a book called "The Fat Stripping Diet" by Shane Bilsborough.
He recommends to do low-level intensity exercise instead of high-level to burn that fat away.
Exercises such as fast walking. Now fast walking means a good pace so that you are puffing, not a casual stroll, a strong long stride power walk.
Keep a good breathing rhythm, if you feel that you are becoming short of breath then you will be using mainly glucose and will not be burning fat.
You need to do an activity for a long period of time and puff only enough to get the heart rate pumping, this way you will use up that fat stored in your body.
A good way to know if you are walking at a good pace and burning fat rather than glucose is your legs. If after a walk they feel heavy then your using glucose instead of fat.
So you may be pleasantly surprised as I am that we do not have to exercise intensely (thank goodness). A good walk for 15mins a day or longer is all that we need to do.
So get out there. Get those legs walking to burn fat.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Beat That Bloating Feeling
The temptation is so great, cheesecakes, dips and biscuits, chips(my undoing), chocolate, lots of finger foods, ohh yer don't forget the alcohol and heaps of other delicious things.
I end up going home feeling like a bloated whale or even worse a large walrus that has trouble moving about.
There are many things that we can do to fight the bloat.
1/ When at a party take your time when selecting your food, don't just pile it on your plate without thinking about it first.
"Do you really need that extra spoonful of potato salad or that extra slice of mud cake with cream?
2/ Drink plenty of water. If you like your alcohol, have 1 glass to every two of water. Your head will be thanking you in the morning.
3/ Go for the healthier options, like celery, carrot and salsa dip. Take your own nibbles to be safe.
4/ Some exercises that can help are swimming and squats. Just moving will move that gas quicker. A 10 minute brisk walk will do wonders.
5/Some foods to eat are High fibre flat breads or just a high fibre diet, about 25g a day is recommended.
Avocado is high in potassium which reduces water retention and so are bananas.
Melons are full of water and are great in tricking the body and getting it to release stored fluids.
6/ Don't over do the size of your meals containing carbohydrates and fats, have very small amounts of these throughout the day and take small bites and slowly chew your food. Big mouth fulls can cause excess air to enter the mouth when eating.
7/ Limit your intake of gas producing foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, beans, and carbonated drinks (soft drink)
8/ Watch your salt intake. Salt can retain water.
Bloating is common amongst us women and can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing but try some of these tips, they may just help.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wedding Day Blues
Oh, what a week it has been. Those people who say that you never get nervous or the jitters at your wedding are lying.
My brother has been a right pain in the butt for well over a week, no matter what you said he would jump down your throat.
Now it's come and gone, he better have changed is attitude.
It was raining pretty much most of the night before and into Saturday and I mean really raining. No blue sky to be seen anywhere.
I had planned on wearing a fake tan but daughter explained that it may wash off during the rain, so I had to wear stockings, bad mistake.
The shoes I bought where fairly high and the stockings gave me no grip at all, so I was sliding in and out of them everytime I took a step.
Between ceremony and reception, toilet break and off came the stockings, best move I made all day. No more slip sliding around and looking like an idiot.
Anyway, back to the wedding.
The day looked as though it might be disasterous but God really came to the rescue (Sorry, but I'm not that religious) The rain stopped at the start of the ceremony and stayed away for all the family photo's. By the time we got to the reception two hours later it gradually started again. It rained most of the night and into Sunday morning. (Nearly 2 inches of rain fell that day). Very lucky I think, but like I told my brother, it's something that they will talk about and remember forever.
All in all the day went off without any hitches and all looked beautiful and charming in our outfits. (I danced in those shoes all night).
Now comes the hard part, trying to stay together.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Over Weight, Don't Need Spectators.
Trying to find that great looking outfit that is going to make you look a million bucks and make you look 10 kilos lighter.
Shopping can be a very daunting exercise when your larger than a size 16 or XL.
You search through every piece of clothing, choose what you think may look good and then you get the courage to try it on, then it happens. The sales girl comes to the door and yells out "give us a look, is it the right size"?
Your pulse starts racing, (I have known some women to throw back the dressing room curtain and look out, your standing there half naked for all the world to see).
Struggling to get the outfit over your hips or to get the zip done up. All you want her to do is disappear so you can struggle with your own feelings about how nothing ever fits properly. (So get lost)
You politely say "Thanks, but I'm fine."
Walking out of the fitting room and quietly slide out the shop door so no one notices you.
All the way home you tell yourself your going on a diet. Yer right, your that depressed that nothing fits so you grab macca's for the trip home.
Was the story of my life.
Sometimes I still feel like this, but not quite so much.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dress Found, Happy as Larry Now.
It isn't black but an aubergine colour, like a cross with a crimson colour and purple, sort of.
It is not a tight hugging dress but it is straight, something that I would never have looked at if I hadn't lost 14 kilos. I still feel a little self concious about it because I think my hips are sticking out at the sides but my daughter and husband both agree that it makes me look slimmer, yer right, who are they trying to kid.
Amazing what some under garments can hide.
Why is it we always spend more than we want to. $270 with a little jacket, more than I wanted to spend. Then you have to get matching shoes and then a bag, I will probably never wear or use any of these items again.
I should have just worn pants but NO, that wasn't good enough for my mum.
"You're going to be in family photos, you need to look nice."
What's wrong with pants, nothing but you have to please mother, right.
The wedding is only two weeks away and am getting really excited.
It has been raining here (heavy) for the last three or four days so I hope the weather is all cleared up by then.
Bring this party on.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
BLack Dress a No Go
Hi, yes I'm back. The holiday went way too fast, I need another one already. (I wish).
My daughter looks great, we had the best time. Spent a lot of time shopping and eating out, lattes and iced coffees along with cheesecakes and biscuits almost everyday.
Diet went straight out the window. I couldn't even begin to tell you how much I really tried to say NO to all those delicious things.
I told myself "NO NO NO" over and over again but didn't work I'm afraid.
I tried on so many little black dresses, I don't thing they make them for size 14 women. I finally came to the conclusion that the black dress is not for me. You need to be a size 10 and 6 foot tall to make it look great, sorry that's not me at all, never has been and probably will never be a size 10 (praying, maybe one day, Joke huh, huh)
So back to my bad eating habits while on holidays, I have to tell you after eating all that rubbish, I only put on a kilo. Don't ask me how I kept it off, perhaps it was all the walking while I was shopping and the water I was trying to drink all the time.
Now about that dress, I have started to search the net for one. Bit scared because you can't try it on, but I don't plan on spending a fortune.
It's not going to be easy, so many to choose from.
Wish me luck.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bris Vagas Here I Come!
So wish me luck with the diet, I'm going to need it.
Lunching out every day and socialising, it's going to be a challenge but I think I'm up for it.
Bring on the shopping malls. (little black dress for wedding, maybe?)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fighting The Mind When It Comes To Weight Loss.
I totally blow it again and am finding it to be getting harder to convince myself that I don't need that bad food.
I fight with my head every minute of every day. When I'm shopping, at the register there is chocolate everywhere. How can I fight the urge to not grab one, I find myself telling a lie to the checkout girl, "For the kids," placing a snickers on the counter.
What kids, my daughter is no longer at home.
I get in the car and eat it on the way home. Come on, tell the truth, I bet there is a lot of you who have done that, I'm sure that I"m not alone with this.
Now, I really do not have any excuse for not exercising. My back has been pretty good lately. I've been doing a little bit of walking, but not enough.
It's just too cold. I wish winter would hurry up and go. It's only three months of the year but it feels like six months.
Two weeks until SPRING, "hip hip hurray."
Maybe this old bear will come out of hybernation. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).
Perhaps with more sunshine it will make it easier to say "No" to bad foods and say "Yes" to healthy.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Look Inwards, be Self Aware When Seeking Quick Weight Loss
By: Antonio LeMaire
Everybody wants a quick weight loss miracle. We don't want to wait for good things to happen in our lives in our modern,instant gratification society. The problem is, in our rush towards quick weight loss,we often forget about self awareness.
Self-awareness can actually decrease the amount we eat and improve our food choices without a big struggle. After all,it's not about achieving quick weight loss only to gain it all back in a few weeks or month. It's about changing your habits and your ways of thinking... for good.
Three Things that Prevent Quick Weight Loss:
1. Advertising: Companies spend millions trying to get us to eat their products... and it often works.
2. Peer pressure: People don't like to eat alone. We often eat when we are not hungry just because someone else is eating.Quick weight loss never results when we succumb to peer pressure.
3. Availability: If you are at work and the only food is in a vending machine, wise choices are very limited. Similarly, if your kitchen is full of junk food, eating that way becomes automatic.
Bottom line: To resist all that temptation, you need to be very aware of the reasons why you're eating. When around food, be totally self aware. Ask yourself:
1. Am I really hungry or is it just boredom?
2. Is it the pleasure of eating that I really want?
3. Am I under stress and seeking comfort?
4. Do I have a craving that I want to feed?
With self awareness and attention to what your body and mind are really telling you, you can prevent yourself from eating for the wrong reasons.And that is one step closer to achieving quick weight loss the sensible way.
Self Talk Your Way to Quick Weight Loss
When considering food and how it contributes to slow or quick weight loss, listen to your self talk. Self talk is that little voice in your head that sends you messages about how you look and how you feel.
It can tell you to feel guilty about eating that bag of chips.Or it can tell you you have the willpower to stop eating the chips. It can tell you that you are capable of healthy, quick weight loss, or it can tell you that your fat is here to stay.
Training yourself to use positive self-talk will greatly help your efforts to regain your natural body shape and reach your weight loss goal. And remember, quick weight loss doesn't have to be the only goal. By setting realistic objectives and by using positive self talk,you can transform your little voice into a cheerleader that will be on your team for a lifetime of healthy weight management.
How to change your self talk:
1. Write down the negative statements and change them into positive ones. For example, if your self talk says, "I hate my body," change that to, "I love my body."
2. Make sure the wording of your statements is positive. For example, writing "I choose healthy foods for my body," is much more effective than "I don't eat junk food".
3. Try to write at least 15-20 positive affirmations.
4. Read your affirmations to yourself in the mirror once when you get up and once before you go to bed.
Projecting The Image
Wearing clothing that looks good on you can move you towards gradual or even quick weight loss success. Don't believe it? Think about how confident you feel when you wear a color or a style that truly flatters your shape. Now think about how uncomfortable and constricted you feel wearing those jeans that used to fit you - two sizes ago. Think about how shapeless and frumpy you feel in your "fat" clothes.
You may be saying, "Sure, but baggy clothes hide my fat, while fitted clothes just show all the lumps."
True. But that isn't the case with fitted clothing that's sized just right for you, not too small or too big. Try an experiment. Put on your baggy comfort clothes and look at yourself in the mirror. How do you look? How do you feel? What impression do you think you make on people?
Now put on an outfit that fits you properly. And ask the same questions. Chances are you'll look and feel better this way, and will make a better impression on others.
Business people traditionally "dress for success", and so can you: Dress for the success of your weight loss plan. Dress like someone who is confident and comfortable and who isn't afraid to be seen. Because quick weight loss is only part of the goal. Your crowning achievement will be accepting, respecting and showing off your body.
About the Author
Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising.
Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: Online Pharmacy - http://www.edrugstore.md/
(ArticlesBase SC #263593)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Look Inwards, be Self Aware When Seeking Quick Weight Loss
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Curse Of The Weekend Munchies.
It's like a spell has been placed on you and when the Saturday arrives something inside tells you "It's fine, one won't hurt."
That's it. One what, of course I'm talking about one chocolate bar, one packet of chips, one cupcake, one biscuit and one take away meal (maybe two). One of anything that is fattening. Will Power suddenly vanishes out the window and you are struggling to keep on top of your weight.
What is it about weekends, its like an alarm goes off and gives you the green light to go for it.
Once the weekend is over you say to yourself "that's it, no more rubbish, back on the diet." So all week you are really good, keeping your portion sizes down and eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and sticking to your diet.
By the end of the week your back to feeling good about yourself again, but here comes that dreaded weekend again, so the battle starts again.
I find it so hard because I work on weekends in a cafe that has a lot of confectionery ie: chocolate coated peanuts, bullets, gummie bears, packets of chips, mint leaves, yoghurt covered fruits, chocolate bars and yummy homebaked biscuits.
When it's not busy is the hardest time of all, I get bored and constantly think about the food. I'm fine until I've had lunch and then the sweet craving sets in.
I fight with my inner self, saying "You don't need it. YOU DON'T NEED IT." But it always seems to win and ohh, how depressed I feel when I have eaten that delicious piece of chocolate or yo yo biscuit.
How to break this dreaded curse?
It would be so much better if we didn't have weekends!!! (only kidding)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Aerobics on Hold, For The Moment.
Still struggling, major issue at the moment, not sleeping well and constantly in a foul mood.
Instead of doing the aerobics like I was telling you, I've stuck to doing some stretching exercises and a bit more walking.
Thank god for pain killers.
I've seen chiropractors, been getting regular massages and finally went to the doctor, now that was a joke.
He didn't even look at my back, didn't feel anything, just prescribed these pain killers that I can't take because they make me feel like vomiting, I can't drive, I get dizzy and almost faint. So can't take them when I have to go to work.
He also gave me muscle relaxing drugs, another useless pill. They make you drowsy and nearly knock you out so also no good for when working.
I think it's a sciatica problem, not sure how to fix it, but if it doesn't improve soon I'll be chopping off my leg.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Body Mass Index! What Are They Talking About?
Body mass index, I've heard this a lot when people are talking about losing weight, so what are they talking about? What is it?
BMI is a rough measurement of your body's fitness. A statistical measure of body weight based on a person's weight and height and is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person's height.
If we have a high BMI we are more prone to getting heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Now don't take this as gospel. We know how our body feels and what is our best look. The Body Mass Index is only a guide, some people who have a lot of muscle and are really toned up will be overweight by the BMI. But I bet they look great in a bikini or a pair of speedos.
Lets see if we can work mine out. You can do a search on google for a bmi calculator if you don't want to work it out for yourself.
= 29.411764
Height and Weight Classification Chart.
19 or under (underweight)
20-25 healthy weight (low risk)
25-35 overweight 9moderate risk)
35-40 obese (high risk)
Over 40 morbid obesity (very high risk)
(I got this chart from A.J Rochester's book "The Lazy Girl's Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit," A Great read.)
According to this chart I am overweight (really!).
I feel okay with myself and am a little happier with my look but do really need to lose some more. How much more?
Lets take a look at what the BMI says I should be for my height and to have a healthy body.
= 24.632352
67kg "WOW" that would be great. Personally, I think that I would look to thin at this weight, but perhaps because I have not been that skinny since I was 14 years old. "Oh, so long ago."
If I could get between 70 and 75kg I think that I would be happy, it would be a struggle but I'm determined to do it. (Will Power)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Say "NO" to Food, Oh Come On.
I have a wedding in three months and I want to get the best little black dress to wear, something that I have never owned.
Why do they make food that is so tempting. How can anyone fight the urge to taste such delicious, mouth watering treats.
How often do you go out to a party and lined up on a very long table is all this tasty looking food. I here you say "all the time" and you always say to yourself I will not have any of that stuff.
Someone starts offering food out and on the first round you politely say "NO".
Excellent, very proud. But how long can you hold out for.
I here you say to yourself "look out, here they come again, look away, no I'm not having anything."
"Would you like something to eat?" The very nice little girl asks and how can you say no to those beautiful little eyes peering up at you.
So, that's it. The onslaught begins, you have had that first taste, your taste buds are craving for more.
So it begins, the downward spiral to defeat.
While you have had your third piece of finger food or dessert, you suddenly realise what you have been doing. You were never really hungry because you had already eaten dinner before you came. You just did it out of habit.
I have come up with some ideas on how to break these habits: (HOPEFULLY)
When you see the tray coming pretend you have to go to the ladies.
Move to talk to another group of people where the food has already been.
Get up and dance.
Offer the food yourself, take two trays around that way your hands are full.
Remember, if we must have a piece of cake, go for the smallest and make it last.
I'm going to break these cravings.
Are you with me?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Is Muscle Heavier Than Fat?
How many times have we heard from dieting experts the term "You will weigh more because muscle weighs heavier than fat."
I reckon I have heard this from every personal trainer and gym instructor that I have ever seen in my dieting career.
Heard it in commercial ads on television and radio, but it seems that research has shown that this is false.
One kilo of muscle weighs the same as one kilo of fat. That's pretty obvious.
The difference is that when you look at them side by side, the fat will be much bigger in volume than the one kilo of muscle. Fat is bulky and lumpy so will take up more room than muscle even though it weighs the same.
Muscle becomes more dense as people exercise, so will make you look more trim and terrific and more lean muscle mass will burn more calories and help burn more fat, even when we are resting.
So consider throwing the scales away for a month or two. Get out the tape measure instead and start exercising.
Take note of any compliments (wouldn't that be great?)that come your way about how great your body looks.
Your weight may not change on the scales, but I bet that your clothes fit nicer when put on.
Friday, June 11, 2010
An Apple A Day Helps Keep The Weight Away.
Apparently if you eat an apple before a main meal, it helps make you feel fuller.
I have actually been doing this for the last five days and I can honestly say that I think it works.
I have one for morning tea and one again at around 4 o'clock. I do feel more satisfied from eating an apple at this time then I do eating a muesli bar or raisin toast. By the time dinner time is here, I'm really not as hungry and don't get that hunger pain that usually arises when the smell of food is around.
Apples are full of fibre and take longer to break down. They also contain many vitamins and minerals and are low in calories.
Contain less sodium which helps prevent water retention. Full of vitamin C, an antioxidant, which can help prevent heart disease.
So by and by, the humble old apple really may keep the doctor away.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Cellulite and Weight loss can disappear with massage
If you have ever had a bad back you will understand what I'm going through.
I decided that I needed a massage, lucky you I hear you say, but uh, uh.
This was not a relaxation massage, it was remedial, a litte bit different.
I have not gone through so much pain since I had my daughter, well, perhaps a slight exaggeration. But the pain was excruciating. I felt every single muscle being manipulated. Kneaded back into position.
I could hardly walk to the car let alone drive home.
The only good thing that has come out of this is that I get out of cooking dinner for a few days. "Yahoo."
I suppose it serves me right for not keeping up with the massages regularly.
So this brings me to this question.
Does having a regular massage help with weight loss?
I have done a little research on this and it
appears that it is really good at removing cellulite. By regularly massaging areas where cellulite appears reduces the appearance.
Helping to move the fat around will decrease the dimpling affect and make skin appear more smoother.
Apparently having a massage can help with weight loss because it improves circulation and supply of nutrients to the muscles.
Increased blood flow helps muscles grow and therefore they will burn more calories and thats what we want, right.
Now I have given you an excuse to have a massage. It may hurt on the first go but after a few sessions you will feel fantastic.
Think of all that weight that may come off also, with extra help of course.
Exercise and Diet!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Exercise Has Crippled The Weight loss Fool
Yes, I'm not in good shape. Pushed it to hard yesterday I'm afraid.
Now I can hardly move, my back muscles must have seized or something. I know your probaly laughing out loud to yourself, but it's not funny, I'm totally crippled. Some of you probably understand what I'm going through.
Today was the hardest day I've ever had at work. Why is it when you have a bad back you drop everything that you touch.
The floor feels like it's a million miles away and once you reach it getting back up can be excruciating.
Customers will ask you to bend down to get a product and you struggle to keep the pain from showing on your face.
You stand up straight with this pathetic fake grin on your face and act nice, meanwhile grimacing inside.
I have a situp bench at home that I began to use when I started this fitness madness campaign. Perhaps this is where I went wrong. I tried to complete three sets of 20 situps, I haven't done anything like this for nearly 5 years.
Bad mistake, should have done perhaps two sets of 15 until I got use to it.
Lesson learnt-
Friday, June 4, 2010
Aerobics Elephant Style
Trying to jump about following a dvd that you have never seen before. Your twisting back and forwards trying to catch what the instructor is telling you.
Before you know it you've tripped on the carpet and landed flat on your behind. (Why am I doing this?)
I've made the first step, but I must admit I found it really hard. I couldn't keep up and I was out of breath in the first few minutes. I felt like I was having a heartattack.
I found myself just jogging on the spot and moving my arms fast so it felt like I was working hard.
The dvd goes for an hour but I could only manage half hour. I was pretty proud of myself.
I'll keep on going, will do another half hour tomorrow and have sunday off.
Hopefully I won't feel like that elephant after three weeks.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Exercise and Fitness. No Way, Not Me!
I have decided to begin my fitness campaign. (about time I hear you say).
Yes, it has finally come down to having to do some serious exercise.
If you have been reading my blog, you know that I'm not into exercise.
I use to enjoy playing team sports when younger, but when I snapped my achillies that was it, stopped everything, except walking.
I have purchased a fitness dvd. It has warm ups, aerobics, dance and floor work all on it. I have to keep it up three times a week to see improvements.
So tomorrow is day 1.
I'll tell you how I went in my next post, if I'm still alive.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
My Precious Dear Nan
The angels have come and taken your hand and guided you to that great place in the sky.
They will look after you now, as will granddad. You are finally back together after so long apart.
I wish that I could have told you how much I loved you before they took you from me, but you went so quickly.
I will miss seeing your smiling face, miss your xmas mince pies, I will miss you forever. I will never forget you, when I look up into the stars, I will be thinking of you always.
As much as it pains me to say (Magpie Supporter) but I will cheer on your beloved "CATS"(Geelong Football Club)and hope they win for you.
Rest in Peace
Love you always.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lose Weight by Taking Baby Steps
I was reading a Weight Watchers magazine yesterday and came across this article about losing weight.
The tip was to take a step at a time.
Most people have to lose weight and a lot of it. 20 or 30kg, that's a huge amount when you look at it in the big picture. But look smaller, divide it up into smaller steps.
They suggested that if you had to lose 5kg then work at losing 1/2 a kilo a week. If 10 to 15kg, look at losing 5 kilos in 5 weeks. Lose the weight in small stages and it won't seem so daunting. Break up the amount of weight you want to lose and start from there.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Food, Food, Glorious Food.
Why do we have trouble digesting food when unwell?
Perhaps some research needs to be done to find out why we
don't eat as much when we're ill. Must be some chemical in the brain????
I think that I should be sick more often, then perhaps I will not have a weight problem.
Feeling low and unmotivated is not a good feeling and really I don't want to be sick again but losing weight seems to be so much easier.
You never seem to have the food cravings, don't get that yearning feeling for sweet, sugary foods.
I think that I lost a kilo or two while unwell but I feel that I have put it back on since I have my appetite back. Far to quick and far to easy.
You tell yourself that you are not going to eat another thing that is not good for you and that your turning over a new leaf, huh, that didn't last long.
Back to the old habits in no time and fighting with your mind every single moment of the day. "Don't eat that, it's full of fat."
Bring the Fight On...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I've been struggling with my weight again.
Story of my life.
I've put on a kilo and now am desperately trying to get it back off.
I haven't started doing any walking, like I said I would. Bad, Bad, Bad.
I Have to lose another 5 kilos. I have my brothers wedding at the end of the year and I do not want to be a porker.
I was searching the net and found this article about carbs. I thought it was interesting to read. Thought it might interest you all.
Are You A Carbohydrate Addict?
By: cathie karas
When you think of addictions, what comes to your mind? Drugs, alcohol, even the more recent, sex. However, food(in this case carbohydrates) can be an addiction as well. When you have an uncontrollable urge to eat, even if your not hungry, and you feel as if you "need" that cake, you may have an addiction. A carbohydrate addiction.
Putting the science in weight loss. Being over weight, may not just be because you won't say no to the extra calories your eating, or the lack of exercise, but it can be a biological addiction to carbohydrates and an overabundant production of insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use and conserve food energy in three ways:
- Insulin tells your body when to eat.
- Insulin delivers food energy to wherever the body needs it.
- Insulin commands the body to save food energy stored in fat cells for a time when no food is available.
If you have excess amounts of insulin in your bloodstream, your body cannot absorb it all, which leads to hunger, and cravings of carbo-rich foods, such as breads, cakes, and pastas. Eating these foods cause the body to make even more insulin, thus creating an endless cycle of over eating and weight gain.
Carbohydrate addiction can be controlled, you have to manage what you eat, and take charge of your diet. Keeping a food journal is very useful.
Find out if you are a carbohydrate addict. Ask yourself these questions:
1. After eating a full breakfast, do you get hungrier before it is lunch time than you would if you had skipped breakfast altogether?
2. Do you get tiered after eating a large meal, or find that you are sluggish and/or hungry in the afternoon?
3. Have you been on diet after diet, only to regain the weight you lost?
4. Does stress, boredom, and tiredness make you want to eat?
5. Do you sometimes feel you aren't satisfied, even though you just finished a meal?
6. Do you find it harder to take off weight- and keep it off- than when you were younger?
If you answered "YES" to 2 of these questions, you are probably mildly carbo-addicted.
If you answered "YES" to 3-4 of these questions, you are likely to be moderately carbo-addicted.
If you answered "YES" to 5-6 of these questions, you probably have a severe carbohydrate addiction that may be greatly affecting your life.
You can manage your carbohydrate addiction so that you can lose weight and be healthy for the rest of your life- without feeling deprived or struggling to manage your eating patterns and your weight.
You can have your CARBS and eat them too, once a day, to prevent the release of excessive amounts of insulin.
The following plan is from "The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets" (2005), and worked for 80% of the 1,000 carbohydrate-addicted patients they consulted at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.
Carbo-rich foods: breads, grains, cereals, ice cream, milk, yogurt, fruit and fruit juices, lunch meats, pasta, noodles, rice, snack foods, sweets, and starchy vegetables(beets, carrots,zucchini, corn, tomatoes, peas and potatoes).
Craving-reducing foods: red meat, poultry, fish, cheese, oils, tofu, fats, dressings, non starchy vegetables (brusselsprouts, green beans, peppers, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli and mushrooms).
The Basic Plan
Eat one balanced "Reward Meal" everyday for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The meal should consist of two cups of fresh salad and
- one-third craving reducing protein (meat,fish,cheese,eggs,tofu)
- one-third starchy vegetables
- one-third carbohydrate rich foods
*Use good sense, and listen to your body when sizing the portions.
Complete your "Reward Meal" within one hour. Otherwise your body will be hungry all over again.
Eat only craving-reducing foods at all other meals and snacks.
Consult with a doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. Follow the program for two weeks, you should notice a lessening of your cravings. If you don't, try to adjust the program- for example, you may need to eat between-meal snacks...adjust the servings sizes of your meals, or add nutritional supplements and other dietary supplements to your plan.
Source: "The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets" 2005 Bottom Line Publications (Pg. 343) Print.
About the Author
Cathie is a mom and a writer with various blogs and topics. Her specialties are health, wellness, Long Island, and family.
View her blogs:
(ArticlesBase SC #2190251)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Are You A Carbohydrate Addict?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Indulging In Chocolate Can Be Good For You
If your on a diet this can be one of the hardest times of the year.
Friends and family always buy you an easter basket or box of chocolates. Don't they know your on a diet. YES!
But if only they had bought dark chocolate, then it wouldn't be so bad.
Dark chocolate contains more cacao and less sugar than milk chocolate and research has shown that it keeps blood pressure down and helps the blood pumping which makes for a healthier heart.
Cocoa also benefits the brain by improving the functions of the blood vessels.
So chocolate can be good for you, in moderation. Remember that 100g of dark chocolate contains 500 calories so you need to count this in your diet.
I find that if I have a craving for something sweet, a small square of dark chocolate takes that feeling away and satisfies the craving.
Try it, it really does work.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Overweight People vs Gym Junkies
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I admirer gym junkies and their will power to exercise every day, but I do believe that overweight people are a little intimidated by them.
Weight loss is a major concern for many overweight people and to get the courage to actually walk into the gym is a very nerve racking experience.
It will be over two weeks before you finally take that important step and enter through the gym doors.
Finally making your way to the counter, the first thing that hits you is the girl behind the counter.
What your thinking is "Oh My God, look at her." Tall, trim and terrific. You start to hesitate but eventually edge your way up to her.
As you are shown to the restroom and a locker you can feel everybodies eyes piercing your skin like little knives. Watching you walk and judging your every move, so it seems.
Your heart is racing and the sweat is beading on your forehead and running down your back before you have even completed one exercise.
As you make your way to the exercise area, you finally get the courage to lift your head and look around. Not one person is actually looking in your direction. These people are to busy doing their sets or running on the treadmill.
To the average overweight person, it feels as though you are competing against these gym junkies but really they couldn't careless about what you are doing or what you look like. They are there for themselves, nobody else.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tastiest Zucchini Pie
You could change some of the ingredients to your liking.
Tips for weightloss keep portion size small and use low fat canola oil spray for pastry sheets and low fat parmesan cheese.
* Slice 1kg of zucchini. (place these into a colander and sprinkle salt over top. Leave to sit over another bowl in fridge for at least three hours)
* 6 eggs, lightly beaten.
* filo pastry about 10 sheets.
* 1 tsp nutmeg.
* 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil.
* 60g butter.
* 3/4 cup sr flour, sifted.
* Tblsp chopped chives, dried or fresh.
* 2 tomatoes, diced.
* 100g salami, hot or mild-chopped fine.
* 250g parmesan shaved cheese. Keep a tsp to sprinkle on top.
* Pepper to taste.
Rinse zucchini and pat dry with some paper towel.
Oven should be about 170degrees C.
Line a 23cm springform tin with melted butter, place sheets of filo
inside, overlapping as you move around the tin. Brush each layer with melted butter. Over lap the sides of tin as well.
Mix together the flour, parmesan, nutmeg, eggs, chives, salami, tomatoes,
oil and zucchini. Spoon mixture into tin and pull flaps of pastry over the top of pie. Brush with butter and sprinkle a little parmesan over top.
Cook for atleast 40 minutes. It is cooked when set. If it looks like it is browning to quickly, slow the oven down but then you may have to cook a bit longer.
Let sit for 20mins before taking out of tin. Best eaten on the day of cooking.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Zucchini Madness
Anyway, I thought because that's all that I've got on my mind at the moment, I would find out if they are any good for you.
Guess what? They actually are. We can loose weight by eating these things.
The water content is nearly 95%, so, great for us dieters and good for your skin.
Other health benefits are-: they contain only 15 calories per 100g, now there's a plus.
They contain potassium, which is an electrolyte (mineral salt)good for human nervous system, muscle function.
Calcium, good for our bones. Vitamin A,C,K & B's also included.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is suggested to be good for people who suffer from asthma. If a deficiency in vitamin C, scurvy and bruising may become an issue.
It is also believed that eating zucchinis may prevent the risk of having Multiple Sclerosis and prevent age-related prostate enlargement in men.
The copper, which zucchini's contain, is an anti-inflammatory. Great for arthritis pain.
So for all my whinging about these lovely green vegetables, they are very healthy for you.
I've got a geat recipe, I'll bring it to you next time.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Can Being Deprived of Snacks Cause Binge Eating Disorder?
When people are deprived from snacks against their will, kids and teens for instance, when their parents aren't looking they will gorge on unhealthy foods. If they don't learn to eat healthy when they are young, think about what their eating patterns will be like once they leave the home.
At one time, one of my kids had a friend over to spend the night. When we awoke, I found that a 12-pack of soda was missing along with a two pound package of candy. Later in the day, I found empty cans and wrappers hidden under a bed and behind the couch. I thought that was odd and then I learned that his parents denied him of sweets altogether.
Is this a cause of binge eating?
According to experts, binge eating disorder can be caused by three things:
- Biological causes such as the brain not sending clear messages about fullness and hunger
- Psychological causes like depression or impulse control factors
- Experiences that cause shame about eating such as the way food is presented to or withheld from a child during their upbringing, social pressure such as being made fun of about weight and body image, and sexual abuse
Binge eating disorder is the most common form of eating disorders. Rather than depriving your kids of snacks or using them as rewards, it is a much better idea to offer healthy kiddie snacks and healthy snacks as part of a teenage diet as well as letting them have some junk food from time to time.
As adults, we also should snack regularly to prevent binge eating. Most diets that actually work encourage eating frequently throughout the day. This gives you a full feeling which does help to prevent compulsive overeating.
Lynn Chavarria is a Registered Nurse and the co-owner of
Best Healthy Snacks. You will find more information about kiddie snacks and teenage diets on her website.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Berries Smoothie
It helps me fill full and keeps my weight at a normal level. I don't see myself putting on any extra weight at all.
1 cup Natural frozen yoghurt
2 tblsp frozen berries
2 strawberries
ice cubes
1/2 cup milk (I like mine thick)
1 tsp honey (if you like it sweet)
There are a lot of other combinations to use
Check out this site for more info
great smoothies
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Realisation of weight problem
I was with my mother and daughter driving when on the radio Magda Sabansiki
was talking about her weightloss with Jenny Craig. I suddenly thought if she can do it so can I. We made a packed between the three of us that we would loose some weight. Once I made my mind up that was it. I stuck to my plans, I quite surprised myself. Mum and my daughter both gave up after two weeks. I tried to get mum to keep up with it but she always has an excuse.
Remember we can all do it, it just takes time and will power.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I just wanted to give you a heads up on my weight progress.
Well nothing has changed, I probably have lost about a kilo since my first post. I feel as though I need to start doing more exercise. I have stopped walking and I do think that this is a really good way to get fresh air and get a bit fitter. I really must get motivated before it starts to get to cold. Soon winter will be upon us here in Australia and once it starts to get cold I hibenate like a bear. (not good). So I'll get back to you all soon with more updates.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Pregnancy - How To Avoid Gaining Weight And Lose Extra Pounds After Labor
By: Vladimir Skirga
Very often people around us spoil our perception of reality, saying that now we must eat for two people, allow ourselves everything we want, etc.
Of course, there is always a lot of sympathizers, who remember themselves, friends, girl-friends, who gained during pregnancy 40, 50 and even 60 pounds - "and nothing terrible happened". But what is in reality? Difficult labor? The whole body is in terrible stretch marks, which are almost impossible to get rid of? Shapeless masses instead of the previous shape? Who enjoys it?
It is natural that during pregnancy a woman is hungry more than ever. Hormones influence the body heavily. In addition, the physical activity reduces. And you begin to grow, like at yeasts... How to keep within the recommended 20-26 pounds of gained weight?
First of all, limit your eating of fat, sweet, baked food. Believe me, an extra bun will benefit neither you nor your future baby. Eat a complete protein food. Meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products are in the basis of a healthy diet. Do not manage to keep the weight normal? Try to keep fasting days. Once a week diet only with kefir, nonfat cottage cheese or fresh fruit. Refuse hearty dinners. The last meal is to be at least 4-5 hours before a bedtime. In addition, it helps to cope with insomnia in the past months of pregnancy.
We should talk separately about the liquids. It is useful in the first trimester, but can cause harm to a mother and a child in the last months of pregnancy if taken excessively. You gain a few pounds a week? A wedding ring squeezes your finger? Favorite peep-toes became small? Congratulations, you have a fluid retention in the body. Now you are to move the bulk of liquids in the first half of the day. Add a cranberry or a red bilberry juice, a cranberry leaf decoction, which are soft diuretics and not only help to egest excess fluid, but also compensate a vitamin C deficiency.
The full-fledged sleep also helps to suppress overeating. Very often we are trying to stifle fatigue from lack of sleep with favorite sweets...
You followed all recommendations, but the figure after labor is still far from being perfect? Go in for a physical activity. Walking is a great way to saturate blood with oxygen and lose extra pounds during and after pregnancy. In the hospital you can make such useful exercises as "running a bicycle" or lifting the feet in a lying position. They will not only make your belly flatter, but will promote the faster uterus involution.
As well helping in the battle against a baggy belly is a postpartum bandage. You can put it on in a delivery room already. Get a hula hoop, a jump rope and some simple school exercises will assist you to get the previous figure back in a couple of months after delivery. Dancing is an excellent helper in returning shape. Exercises with your favorite music not only improve mothers' mood, but do not let their babies stay indifferent towards it.
Concerning post-natal diet I can say, that if you prefer breast-feeding, the fasting days are unacceptable, but this not equal to eating for two people at once. It is enough to increase the number of consumed calories only for 1000, so that the baby will receive enough nutrients.
Take care of yourself and be healthy.
About the Author
I have been writing articles for more than two years. But accept the articles about right lifestyle, correct food and fitness I also keen on other topics. My last work is business card reader. You can find plenty of useful information about targus card reader on this site.
(ArticlesBase SC #1896295)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Pregnancy - How To Avoid Gaining Weight And Lose Extra Pounds After Labor
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Simple Tips For Beautiful Skin
By: Robert Esmund
Having beautiful skin is a tremendous asset for a woman. A flawless complexion raises a woman above that of a mere mortal to something approaching a celebrity. If you have a fabulous complexion you will look like a star, and people will notice you.
How do you get a fabulous complexion? Much can be achieved with make-up but there is no substitute for the natural glow of a healthy complexion that’s nourished from within. Slapping on face cream may help a bit but skin needs to be supported from beneath by an adequate collagen substructure to keep it taught, smooth and supple. We all have that collagen when young but alas, it tends to get depleted and needs constant replenishment, and this is where nutrition and environmental factors are important. You need to nourish your skin from within, and protect it from the environment outside.
If you want to look like a celebrity, then take care of your skin by following these do’s and don’ts :
- Eat a healthy diet, including lots of fruit and vegetables, in order to get adequate amounts of important vitamins like A, B, C, and E, plus minerals. These micro-nutrients are essential for rebuilding collagen and helping to fight off harmful free radicals. Also, the fibre in fruit and vegetables helps your digestion to obtain maximum benefit from food.
Eat plenty of green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and fruits such as berries of all sorts, grapes, apples, and oranges. Tomatoes too, are a source of lycopene, good for general health and skin.
Essential fatty acids are so called because your body needs them and can’t manufacture them. In the skin they help retain moisture, and also have anti-inflammatory properties which are useful against infection and sunburn. These fatty acids, like omega-3’s can be obtained from oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, and also from many nuts and seeds like walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
- Drink water every day to keep skin hydrated. Moisturising creams help trap moisture in the skin but you need a good supply of water from within, so drink up to eight glasses of water a day. Your skin will look fresher, plumper, and less wrinkled if it is well hydrated.
- Get enough exercise and sleep, since both these factors are important for general health, and a lack of either shows up first in the skin. Exercise promotes good circulation and blood supply to the skin, while sleep is important to allow the body to repair and renew itself. You have noticed probably how lack of sleep can lead to sloppy or baggy skin under the eyes or darkness of the skin.
- Get too much sun on your skin as it breaks down collagen and causes premature wrinkles. It also causes brown spots on face and hands over time, and these skin marking are almost impossible to remove. It is now known that sunlight is one the main ageing factors in the environment. Too much exposure to the sun, especially when young, is correlated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Make do with a fake tan and stay out of the sun as much as possible. You should always wear some sun protection cream when out and about. Fortunately most types of make-up incorporate some degree of sun protection although it may not be much.
- Don’t smoke, since, apart from the harm the smoke does to your lungs, it irritates the skin around the mouth, leading to the development of wrinkle and fissures eventually. Like sunlight, it destroys collagen, and there is rarely enough regeneration to adequately support the skin.
Your skin has to last you a life-time so is worth taking care of. It not only protects you from hostile environmental irritants and aggressors, but is also a very important part of your appearance. If your skin looks good, then you look good. Right?
About the Author
The author, Robert Esmund, is a retired health professional who researches and writes on nutrition, health, and beauty. For more information on skin care and how to look your best visit
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Simple Tips For Beautiful Skin
Friday, February 12, 2010
Because I have been over weight ever since I had my daughter, I have tried every diet possible and in most diets they would advise you to cut back on caffeine, so I gradually weaned myself off the sugar, then came the coffee.
Now if you want to get off the sugar fix the best way that I found was to buy artificial tablets and gradually break them up into small pieces. Work your way down to just a grain and eventually you will not be able to stand the taste of sugar. TRY IT, it works.
Milk eventually was fazed out, I’m not sure how this happened, I just didn’t like the taste in tea anymore. I still have my latte’s but they are always decaf.
I know have green tea at least 4 or 5 times a day and I feel that I have benefited from it, so I thought about doing some research on the benefits of some herbal teas.
GREEN TEA: New research has shown that this is classed as a “miracle food”. It fights so many diseases at once, the healing power is incredible.
It has a positive effect on many organ systems in the body and stops the development of certain diseases. Has a high concentration of minerals and antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process and help the body.
It protects against cancer, has been shown through research that it lowers the occurrence of all types of cancers. Some animal studies have shown that applying it to the skin protects against cancerous changes and slow the progression of skin cancer.
Green tea is very high in vitamin C and is also known to decrease blood cholesterol levels. It bind s itself with cholesterol and slows down the absorption of fat as it goes through the digestive system.
Helps prevent stomach, colon, rectal, liver, pancreatic, bladder, breast and lung cancers. Also thought to help with white blood cells during chemotherapy treatments.
Blood clotting is another plus for green tea. It thins the blood by relaxing blood vessels and decreases the results of fatal heart diseases and strokes.
Most important for me is it can help weightloss. It contains only 4 calories per serving and the polyphenols aid in the digestion of fats. (Polyphenols act as antioxidants).
PEPPERMINT: Mildly stimulating. Sweetens the breath, helps congestion and stuffiness when you have a cold. Also great for the digestive system, can also be rubbed on the back of the neck for relief with a headache. Not recommended for children under the age of four. Great for foot massages.
CHAMOMILE: Used to soothe and prepare the body for restful sleep. Helps with the nervous system and relieves menstrual cramps. May be good for the kidneys, may help with bladder troubles. Can be used for children to help with colic and sleeping.
Use as an infusion for your bath.
There are so many more herbal teas that can be used and they all have great benefits. Look into adding it into your diet and you will feel so much better for it.
Using tea bags instead of teabags will give you more antioxidants and minerals, brew for up to 20 minutes, this gives it time to release all the antioxidants. Why not replace one coffee a day at first with herbal tea. Just give it a go, what’s the worst that can happen.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Breakfast: Cup of cereal (just right or porridge), 1/2 cup skim milk & green tea.
water, 1 cup.
Morning tea: 5 pieces of dried apricot, green tea, 1 cup water
Lunch: 4 dried biscuits, usually salada, with sliced tomato. Diet & caffeine free soda. Water.
Afternoon tea: 2 slices thick raisin toast, little lite margarine. I have this at about 4pm because this is when I start thinking about picking at things. Water.
Dinnner: 1/2 serve Porterhouse steak, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, capsicum, gherkins, pitted olives, egg beetroot and teaspoon lite cream cheese. Water.
Supper: Cup lite ice cream or piece of fruit. Green tea
I try to space the water out, if I go shopping I tend to buy a large bottle and drink it as I shop.
Main thing is keeping portion sizes small. A MUST.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Portion Size And Will Power The Key To Weightloss
I'm going to tell you how I lost 13 kilos in four months.
- I STARTED WITH A FOOD DIARY: I wrote down everything I ate and drank for a week, from those lattes, to biscuits with a cuppa, chocolate bars that you bought at the cash register for the trip home. Everything that passed through my lips.
- I ANALYSED THE DIARY: I looked at things that I did not need, I could not believe that I actually ate that much food in a week. There was so much that could be deducted from my diet. I was eating because I was bored most of the time and picking.
- WORKED OUT WHAT SHOULD GO: I deducted potato, cheese and sugar from my diet. Anything that had sugar, cakes, biscuits,chips.lollies and chocolates. Cereals that contained alot of sugar and white bread. I actually cut out all bread for the first month then gradually brought it back eating wholemeal or grain, checking out sugar content first. Caffeine was another item that needed to go. Not that I drank alot of coffee but I read that it helped give cravings.
- SIX SMALL MEALS A DAY: Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. This is how I tried to discipline what I ate, sticking to these meal times.
- MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT I DID: Reduce my portion sizes. I choose the smallest dinner plate I had and used it for all my main meals. Because it was smaller it looked full and gave me a sense of feeling satisfied. NOT FULL.
- WEIGHING MYSELF: Now I know they say not to weigh yourself every day, but I found this to help keep me on track. I noticed a pattern and what to expect during different times of the month. For me this worked.
- DRINKING WATER: I never have liked drinking water but I made myself drink 6-8 glasses of it every day. Sometimes I would use diet cordial to give it a bit of flavour.
- VITAMIN REPLACEMENT: I take multi vitamin tablets religiously now. I feel good and have had no illnesses in the last six months.
- WILL POWER, WILL POWER, WILL POWER: Psych yourself up, get a picture of you at your worst and place it on the fridge. Have a picture of a really nice dress that you would like in a smaller size, put it next to the other picture. When you go to the fridge this will encourage you to succeed.
Don't get me wrong, it was not easy. I still have bad days where I broke my diet but I get straight back into it the next day.
Exercise doesn't come easy to me, gyms are out and so is running. Walking is the only exercise that I do and I don't do it every day, when I'm feeling up to it.
Hope I gave you some great ideas and an incentive to succeed at losing weight.
31 Day Fat Loss Cure